Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Harrison 21 months!

Harrison turned 21 months on April 24th and just 2 days before that he became a big brother!

A few things about Harrison in the last month:
- He has started playing with his food more.  Mealtimes are definitely interesting.  He's good at making a mess. 
- He wants to dip everything in either ketchup or ranch. 
- He has started jumping.  He doesn't always get both feet off the ground, but he tries really hard. 
- He has a fake giggle that is hilarious!
- He pretends to give his zoo animals drinks from his cup and food from his snack catcher. 
- He still LOVES to be outside!
- His favorite song to sing before bedtime and naptime is "Row Row Your Boat."
- He loves pancakes, pop tarts, peas, beans, chicken, goldfish, chocolate milk, and juice.  If fact, he will ask for these items often.
- He still loves bathtime!  He has just recently really started to splash.  In fact, the other night Tim said he was going to have to start wearing his swimsuit to bathe him! 
- His vocabulary and understanding of what we say continues to grow daily! 
- He still has no interest in potty training.  We will get there though. 
- He loves to look out the window in his room. 
- He is adjusting to being a big brother.  He wants to know where Kinley is at all times, but he definitely gets jealous. 
- Kinley's baby toys, bouncer, and swing are his probably some of this favorite things to play with right now. 
- We have had to go back to 2 naps (morning and afternoon) due to the fact that he's not sleeping very good at night.  It's made for a much happier little dude.

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