Well, we are finally getting down to the nitty gritty in this pregnancy. Some days I feel like I've been pregnant forever, and some days I feel like it is going by super fast!
I am down to going to the doctor every 2 weeks now. I had an appointment on the 20th. Everything was great- good, strong heartbeat and measuring right on track. Currently, she is around 3lb, and she moves ALL the time! I have a feeling she will have no problems keeping up with Harrison once she gets to that point!
I've been feeling pretty good lately. My main complaint is heartburn. That was also my main complaint when I was pregnant with Harrison. I take zantac and tums, but sometimes that doesn't even do the trick. Maybe that ol' wives tale (heartburn = lots of hair) will ring true with Miss Kinley as it did with Harrison.
The nursery is slooooowly getting ready. We still have junk we need to get out of room- we just need to find places for it. The furniture is in, but not put together. Tim will be working on that this weekend. The bedding is ordered, but not in yet. I have priced and decided where I will get her storage shelves for toys, books, etc. I have a HUGE list (that keeps growing) of things that still need to be done. I would love to have everything done by the beginning of April. Hopefully with Spring Break coming up, I will be able to get alot accomplished. Pictures to come soon...hopefully!!
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